Thread: Midwest Rotary Rendezvous Picures
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Revvin Up
Posts: 71
posted August 06, 2002 08:47 PM |
Midwest Rotary Rendezvous Picures
Took my 1977 REPU to the MRR2002 July 21 and some good pictures of the truck are on the www.rx7wi.org site. To view them Click New!!photos from MRR2002, then click picnic (green letters) to view them.

Posts: 661
posted August 07, 2002 12:22 AM |
Your truck looks great! I somtimes forget what stock ones look like since all the ones around here have been modified in some way or another.

Posts: 319
posted August 07, 2002 06:10 AM |
How fitting that a REPU is leading the way.
77' REPU plus a few spare parts
for it.
85' GSL-SE
83' GSL

1st Gear
Posts: 44
posted August 07, 2002 01:02 PM |
REPUJeff: NICE truck...Mine is the same color and assume the same year, 74. Your's is immaculate from what I can see in the pics. i have a few small dents and some rust but much better than my 75 which has been abused by many people. Is that the original paint and all? great to see people are into these PU's.
ROTARY POWER!!! V8 is a great juice for consumption.

Revvin Up
Posts: 71
posted August 07, 2002 07:54 PM |
Mazilla, my repu is a 1977 and just about all orig. The guy that had it before I got it put on about 28K miles and only drove it in the summer. He didn't spend much on it, cause the orig bias ply tires are on it yet and I plan to keep it that way. It even had the orig headlignts on it and I took them off and mothballed em. I also took out all the orig turn signal bulbs and anything else I could think of that might be a selling point down the road. I plan on buying a trailer for hauling it to shows so I won't put anymore stress on the tires and engine that I have to. Yes it is the orig. paint and if you didn't know this Mazda called that yellow - Yolk Yellow. I had a pro restorer buff it out and waxed it. The orig paint had a chalk look to it and I would have had trouble getting it to look proper. The inside of the truck is in very good shape, but I think I will buy a new carpet for it, the seat and dash have no holes or cracks which I guess is a common problem. I also have all the paperwork, even repair bills(he never threw anything out). I intend to buy a digital camera and will get some good pictures up on our gallery, the ones three that I put up are crummy. Repuguru, they put the oldest first so I got it in front.

1st Gear
Posts: 44
posted August 08, 2002 05:07 PM |
repuJEFF: 77? wow with all the old goodies too. you more thoughtful than I. I one of the worst at remembering to keep things stock. I haven't had one that I didn't touch. But I do save ANY part that I find in junk yards or get with the cars that I have acquired in the past. nice rub jobb too. You can rub out all the old mazda's and they look super fine after it is done. takes a few stages to get the grime and scratches out but the elbow grease is worth it. It's nice also to know that someone will keep up the OG look for us that might forget how the OG looked. One of mine is in good shape but the other is in need of time and care but fixable, the body that is. I will try to post pix too but what do I do to do that, is there a code to stick in here to activate that or do I send it attached somehow? Anyway, keep up that beauty!

Posts: 235
posted August 09, 2002 09:26 AM |
Hey REPUJeff. Your truck is in great shape. Just like the others said, it is nice to see how the truck was originally meant to be. I had one question about the tailights. How do they light up. Do all four light up and the outer 2 work as signals? What about the stops, the inner 2? My truck had been tampered with so much that none of the stuff worked properly so I don't even know how some things functioned originally.

Posts: 293
posted August 09, 2002 09:47 AM |
quote: I had one question about the tailights. How do they light up. Do all four light up and the outer 2 work as signals? What about the stops, the inner 2? My truck had been tampered with so much that none of the stuff worked properly so I don't even know how some things functioned originally.
all four light for running/parking lights
all four light for brakes
both on appropriate side flash for turn signal
74 wankel panther
79 rx7
89 Vert

Posts: 235
posted August 09, 2002 09:57 AM |
Thanks Wankel Dreams. Now I can rewire the truck properly.

Revvin Up
Posts: 71
posted August 13, 2002 07:12 PM |
repu answers
First of all, I got your E-mail and I am so busy lately that I intended to answer it eventually. In ref. to your questions here, it presently has 28,954 miles on it. The engine compartment is orig except for the ignition stuff-like the spark plugs, ignition wires, points and condenser distributer cap and rotor and the air filter. I do have the orig. air filter and spark plugs. I intend to have the carb rebuilt also as it causing some problems. Otherwise everything is orig in the engine compt.

Revvin Up
Posts: 71
posted August 15, 2002 07:24 PM |
From what I understand, the cab is a little bigger on the 77 model year than the 74-76. As far as I know the gauges are the same-perhaps REPUGURU can answer the gauge question.

Posts: 319
posted August 15, 2002 08:46 PM |
The obvious thing is the right side gauges are replaced by idiot lights.
The speedo has an inner km/h band on it.
I wonder why Mazda did this if the US was the only place this truck went? I don't think any of the piston trucks got this speedo?
Maybe they had plans to send it elsewhere??
77' REPU plus a few spare parts
for it.
85' GSL-SE
83' GSL

Posts: 319
posted August 16, 2002 06:47 AM |
Actually there are alot of differences in things like the wiring harness the seat belts and the motor.
As far as I know the 77 got the 77 13b engine. The 74-76's got the 74 13b motor. REPUjeff see if Mazda is spelled in the new logo style on the housings on either side of your oil filler tower. Who has a 76 truck in here to verify this? What happend to RiggerGods truck? It was a clean 76 but he sold it to someone?
The 76's do come close to being wired the same as the 77. Swiches and relays under the dash as well as under the hood on the motor make these two years close.
The 76 and 77 also have retractable seat belts wired with motion sensors to detect a sudden change in frontal motion. Its a pedulum that swings foward and activates a lock on the belt to restrain you when your truck stops abruptly. Like when you strike something
But when you get down to it they all have different systems. The 75's have that little light over on the left side of the gauge panel that has someting to do with exhaust temps.

Revvin Up
Posts: 71
posted August 16, 2002 07:57 PM |
Its interesting about the differences between the trucks. I know of no one around here who has one of these trucks so I can't offer much. When I took the truck to the dealer I was introduced to the rotary mechanic. One of the first sentences he said was "I bet its yellow". I think the majority of them were that color. I have no brake problems yet, although I remember that the previous owner said back in the 80's he had a problem and I think it was the master cylinder that had to be replaced. The muffler and exhaust is intact with all the heat shields in place. By the factory chrome tip, I assume you mean the part that the exhaust exits and yes it is there. As soon as I get some time I will buy a digital camera and take a bunch of pix and put em up on the gallery. For REPUGURU, yes MAZDA and automobiles is printed on both sides of the oil filler on the engine housing. One more thing, I have the dealer invoice that was attached to the window and the total price was $4620.00 dated 6-14-77. The sales invoice grand total was $5055.60 dated 6-13-78.

Posts: 1259
posted August 22, 2002 12:53 PM |
You guys got me beat...
...for a nice, stock REPU. What comes to mind, though, is how beneficial, or not, minimal run-time really is for the motor? They do love being driven hard, wound out thru the gears...and don't nessecarily appreciate sitting too long, or being run 'gently' or for short times. But then again, you guys knew that... Must be a tough choice: keep the mileage low for collect& show, or drive it like it wants... I know I'd be taking it out & playing with it!
Now we must do something about the oldest car/truck in the meet being a '77... Where are the sweet, clean early ones hiding???
P.S.-- Congrat's, repujeff, on a 'good show'!

Revvin Up
Posts: 71
posted August 22, 2002 07:15 PM |
I am sure glad to see the site back up, last Friday evening I put up a reply and an hour or two later the site was out. Rotortuner, its a 5-speed manual and I don't have that list made out yet-will try to get it done this weekend. And Klaus the last time the truck was run was July 1995 and I inherited it July of last year-six years it sat there;, but it started right up when I got it home. I drive it around town once a week, but come winter I'll be lucky if will be once a month.

Posts: 1259
posted August 23, 2002 10:09 AM |
Nope, didn't miss it...
...I was referring to ALL the earlier rotaries...cosmo 110s, r-100, rx-2, rx-3, rx-4, rx-"5" cosmo, and REPU. Not to mention the j-spec models, with their differences... would just be too cool to see them all, restored and running, at an event.
Kudos to you for your dedication and success at restoring and engine building, especially at your age! We need guys from your generation to keep (fan) the flame. Good to hear you're 'keeping it in the family!' We should get a regional group together to have a NW REPU rendezvous, what? Say, N. Cal. thru B.C. and to the rockies, or from as far as guys want to come...?
All times are PST (US)
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