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Thread: REPU on ebay

Posts: 239
posted September 17, 2005 05:10 PM

REPU on ebay

This REPU is Hot !! Except for one little itty bitty minor glitch.Well, maybe not so minor.Look http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Mazd...515078 6QQrdZ1

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1st Gear
Posts: 25
posted September 19, 2005 03:13 PM

what is the item #? Your link doesn't work

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1st Gear
Posts: 47
posted September 19, 2005 04:42 PM

Item number: 457515078I think this is the one he wanted to share...
77 REPU "Yellow"
82 380SL
93 f250 4X4 turbo Diesel
66 Benelli
94 740 IL

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1st Gear
Posts: 25
posted September 19, 2005 06:57 PM


needed a 6 at the end.

This is an odd vehicle, says it's fully restored, but it's missing the headliner. The lowering job is terrible, those blocks look bad, the leaf looks like it could grab on most anything.

I don't know how the owner put $20K into it...

I think he should have lowered the reserve. $5K is pretty good for that one.

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Orlando, Florida
Posts: 424
posted September 19, 2005 07:20 PM

Well this guy, like most other people, just doesn't understand what the phrase "fully restored" means. He's abusing it as badly as I've ever seen. He should have said, "full custom". It is that, and not that bad a job really, considering some of the stuff I've seen people do.

He could easily have 20k into this truck counting his initial purchase price. Its moot though, cause I don't care what you put into it to customise it to your liking. Its only worth as much as it moves me to pay.

The only time something MIGHT "command" a certain amount is an actual, faithful restoration, otherwise its all personal taste and this thing just doesn't do it for me (though hopefully someone likes it).

The rear flare job alone could have cost him $1,500 depending on the shop. A decent paintjob (which you can never tell by pictures) could run you another $3k. A good one $4k and a great one $5k-8k. When you're paying other people to do stuff it adds up fast.

But like I said, that don't mean much when you're customising the vehicle. Then you're only market is another guy who thinks exactly like you do.

Orlando, Florida


'77 REPU (Some assembly required :)
'91 Cabrio (Battered and bruised, but she's still my baby.)

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Posts: 1877
posted September 22, 2005 10:08 AM

Dunno what was sadder/dumber:

...the mis-spelled 'ROTORY POWER' (sic) decals all over it; that bogus (non)-dual exhaust; the silly non-functional hood scoop; the crappy paint job --which you could tell from the overspray on the wiring harness, and the lacking paint on portions of the cab interior--; the 'dangling' valance--(no excuse there, if you're not hiding a fat intercooler behind it!); or the $$$$ price it seemed to be going for, last I checked.

It *could* have been very cool, if only... I would've said 2.5K tops, for what all wasn't done proper/still needed to be done... nevermind how much invested.

Warped tailgate, laughably out-of-place gascap... I could go on...

Hope the new owner does her up right!

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