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Index > Trucks for Sale > Thread: 1974 repu sale
Thread: 1974 repu sale

1st Gear
Posts: 12
posted January 08, 2014 03:24 PM
Edited By: Zero5360 on 8 Jan 2014 15:32

1974 REPU for sale

I have for sale my 1974 REPU. Don't want to see it go, but I'm a student and don't have the time it deserves. It had a 20R in it when I bought it, and I promptly removed it. I bought and am including an injected 13B, manual transmission and driveline from a 91 RX-7. The gentleman I purchased it from said that it was recently rebuilt, but I have no way to verify without pulling it apart. It is not currently installed, but I'm sure it'll go right in for anyone with some welding skills. It made it here to Boise, ID from Portland OR, so while it needs some TLC, it is road-worthy. Rear wheel cylinders were leaking and have been rebuilt, new master cylinder, new front pads. I only have these couple pictures for now, but I will upload more soon. If interested, feel free to email me at Zero5360@gmail.com. Asking $1,500.

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Posts: 314
posted January 08, 2014 10:29 PM

So does it run, or not I am a bit confused by you saying it is road worthy, but also saying the engine isn't installed.

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1st Gear
Posts: 12
posted January 08, 2014 10:31 PM

So does it run, or not I am a bit confused by you saying it is road worthy, but also saying the engine isn't installed.

Sorry about the confusion. It does not run. Once the engine is in and drive line connected, it will be good to go.

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1st Gear
Posts: 12
posted January 11, 2014 07:09 PM
Edited By: Zero5360 on 11 Jan 2014 19:14

As promised, updated pictures. Not a whole lot of room in my garage, so they are not the best of pictures.


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Less cubes... More balls
Posts: 181
posted January 12, 2014 09:01 AM

Allen Ervin, spokanerxdude@yahoo.com

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1st Gear
Posts: 43
posted March 08, 2014 01:05 PM

I was wondering if you sold the truck yet, if not let me know. What's your bottom price is? Thanks!

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1st Gear
Posts: 12
posted March 08, 2014 05:57 PM

I was wondering if you sold the truck yet, if not let me know. What's your bottom price is? Thanks!

There is a sale pending with three others in line. If you would like to be put in queue, let me know. The price stands. For future knowledge, it is rude to ask someone what their bottom dollar is. If you want to make a lower offer, that's fine. But don't expect someone to offer that information because if it is lower than what you're willing to pay, they just lost themselves money. If I was going to just come out and tell you, I would have just asked for that from the start.

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1st Gear
Posts: 12
posted October 09, 2014 10:47 PM

Update: I had two sales fall through for my REPU. In the meantime, I considered continuing my work on it. As mentioned in my original post though, I just don't have the time. I have decided to sell the truck, engine, transmission, and all of the goodies. This also includes the weber carb I recently purchased for it as well as the fuel injection-to-carbureted manifold. Bonus for any potential buyer: I'm asking the same $1500 price. The engine is a newly-rebuilt injected 13B out of a 93 RX-7. I am also including the wiring harness and computer so that you can keep it injected or go with carbureted. The carb is already set up for a 13B application. If you just want the truck, we can negotiate price. I have a buyer for the engine and tranny lined up and am sure I could sell the carb and manifold. I'd prefer to sell it all at once, but I'm willing to sell it all separate.

Here is a link to a photo album with some updated pictures: http://imgur.com/a/0Jy57

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Revvin Up
Posts: 56
posted October 26, 2014 10:32 PM

I wonder why this truck has been passed around so much. When I bought that little truck back in around 2008 it had the 20R with webber carb and header in it, and with the 5-speed it did really well. In fact I had that loaded with three dirtbikes, two guys and camping gear for a week! The real reason I bought it in the first place was to swap for some nicer pieces to my truck I was restoring. If it was still in Portland If buy it back, I cannot believe it hasn't sold. I'm sure the rocker and floor rust is the issue, but ford courier pieces will fit perfectly!

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1st Gear
Posts: 12
posted October 27, 2014 11:12 PM

Sold. Thanks for interest, everyone!

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