Thread: 1974 Rotary Pick up "7,000 Original Miles"
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Revvin Up
Posts: 65
posted March 20, 2007 10:29 AM |
yes. how to purchase cookies.
If it aint broke, dont fix it!

1st Gear
Posts: 21
posted March 22, 2007 08:43 AM |
Truck is still open to offers
Just keeping everyone informed.
The Truck is still open to offers.
My friend in Seattle is supposed to be having
all the Registrations transferred into his name by this weekend.
Two of my sisters are going down this weekend to assist him
with all he still has to attend to.
Regards, Walt

Posts: 1877
posted March 22, 2007 09:27 AM |
Edited By: klaus42 on 22 Mar 2007 09:28
Sounds like...
...a Title transfer. I don't know the current WA. state specifics, but I'll guess that it'll be a few before the new Title appears in the mail, if it's anything like here at that DMV...
(What, nobody's offered $10,001.99 ?) (Lol!)

Posts: 225
posted March 22, 2007 06:56 PM |
How about offering some more pictures first! Then maybe somebody can make a realistic bid.
-'74 Phoenix Blue
-Daily driver ;-)
-Stock GSL-SE engine
-Stock Nikki carb.
-4-spd tranny (time for a
TII one, synchro's are
-Racing Beat road-race
-RB 20" pre-silencer
-REV25 Rotor muffler
-Gilmer drive pulleys(fun
while it lasted!)

1st Gear
Posts: 21
posted March 23, 2007 08:50 AM |
Rupert, not a problem.
How about an e-mail address? ? ?

1st Gear
Posts: 21
posted March 26, 2007 11:08 AM |
Just to keep everyone interested informed.
The vehicle is still available.
Two of my sisters were down in Seattle on the weekend
assisting my friend.
He is having the registrations of the vehicles changed
over as soon as the Deptartment of Mototr Vehicles.
has done so.
If anyone requires the photos just e-mail me @
I attempted to post on the photo section unsucessfully.
Regards, Walt

Posts: 225
posted March 29, 2007 08:46 PM |
Hey Walt, i'm still waiting for new pictures.

1st Gear
Posts: 21
posted April 04, 2007 12:52 PM |
Getting Close to Closing
OK evereyone,
We are nearing "The Drop of the Gavel"
My friend in Seattle is having the Papers transfered.
The Vehicle will able to be Viewed this weekend.
April 7-8th.
Please contact me to arrange a Time & I can
give directions.
Regards, Walt

1st Gear
Posts: 21
posted April 04, 2007 12:54 PM |
Sorry , I gave my e-mail Incorrectly

1st Gear
Posts: 21
posted April 20, 2007 10:44 AM |
Hello , and thank you everyone for your interest &
all who have given your input !
The Sale will close April 30th.
So, if you are still interested ...
Regards and have agreat weekend.

Posts: 423
posted April 30, 2007 09:46 AM |
..who exactly offered the $10k and is now the owner of the truck?

1st Gear
Posts: 21
posted April 30, 2007 10:50 AM |
I will let the upcoming "new owner"
disclose who he is once the money has exchanged hands
and he has posession of the vehicle.
Sorry but that was requested.
Once again, thanks for everyones input & interest.
Regards, Walt

Posts: 178
posted November 08, 2007 08:40 AM |
Finally got the deal done and got her back to her new home in Fort Lauderdale.
I tried to send rotortuner a pic but his email is no good.
Poor guy must be stuck in Iraq.
Hope he is safe !
All said and done she is a beauty and I have sunk about $16,000 now into her for the purchase and misc expenses to her home and cleaned up to put er back stock, like new.
The auto with stock emmission / exhaust is a little bit of a dog but she rides sweet with new proper tires. Quiet, clean and rust free.
I was in heaven driving her back from Seattle.
I did not want to say anything till the deal was done as there were many roadblocks to a successful completion of the purchase, inasmuch as the REPU was owned by a gent who passed away when a Cadillac fell on him and the REPU had to go thru the "estate" thing to get sold to me.
Bruce Toski
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Posts: 365
posted November 08, 2007 11:25 AM |
Edited By: Klaus44 on 8 Nov 2007 11:26
It was great finally getting to meet you, Bruce!
Quite the pleasant surprise -- and what a *treat* to get to see this amazing truck in person -- just as if it came off the showroom floor! (Well... almost. All except for those 'gee gaws' and 'widgets' stuck to it, that you've since removed.)
Your visit felt like a personal, impromptu mini 'REPU-stock', right in my driveway. ;)
You should post up some of your excellent, *classic* pic's of your REPU on the road!!!
(Glad you had a *blast* on your EPIC cross-country journey!)

Posts: 178
posted November 08, 2007 12:17 PM |
Hi Klaus,
It was a pleasure to meet you. For those that don't know, Klaus is a stout gentleman of German heritage who makes some quite wickedly beautiful glass in his shop. Bought one of his designs for my mum. Also got to see his large collection of REPUs. The lucky bum lives in Oregon. What to say except that if I did not have so much crap here and if I did not have my roots here I would move there in a minute.
Bruce Toski

Posts: 365
posted November 08, 2007 01:21 PM |
Edited By: Klaus44 on 8 Nov 2007 13:23
Thanks, Bruce!
Just remember, *you're* the lucky bum who owns *the* most pristine, stock REPU I've ever had the privilege of seeing in person... perhaps the most *MINT* stock example left anywhere on the Planet (?!?)!
If you ever do decide to move to the NW, let me know -- maybe that'd help me to get more of my projects going... ;)

Posts: 178
posted November 08, 2007 02:29 PM |
giving thanks
Well said. I have lived a good life. If Blackwater shoots me tomorrow, I will still die a happy man. But I will pass with regrets that our planet is being polluted to infinity, that our government leaders seem to have shit canned the Constitution, and that still in this day and age racism and nationalism ? are running rampant. I saw more beauty driving from Seattle to Fort Lauderdale in two weeks than most living on this earth see in their lifetimes. For that and the ability to enjoy this truck that seems to have dropped out of a time machine .... I will be eternally grateful. And again, I am thankful to finally get the chance to meet you in person mein Freund.
Hopefully one day I can put the vids and stills together on YouTube.
Bruce Toski

1st Gear
Posts: 21
posted November 08, 2007 04:04 PM |
A true Home
Bruce, glad all went well.
I would really like to see it after you finished it.
I know how much you wanted the truck.
Nice to see how much you guys appreciate these
Regards, Walt in Vancouver B.C.

1st Gear
Posts: 15
posted February 12, 2008 05:35 PM |
want more info and pics please , how much
thanks , tony

1st Gear
Posts: 15
posted February 12, 2008 05:36 PM |
by the way my e-mail address is
All times are PST (US)
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